Wheel of Fortune Bed and Breakfast Episode

Wheel of Fortune to feature VT B&B Prize this evening!

About three years ago, the Wheel of Fortune Bed and Breakfast Week offered prize stays at five premier B&Bs across the world.  This week on Wheel of Fortune, it’s Romance Week and bed and breakfast packages are back in the spotlight!  Tune in today (Tuesday, February 11th) at 7:30 pm to see to see one lucky contestant solve a puzzle to win a five-night getaway to Rabbit Hill Inn in Northeastern Vermont.  Though our family-owned Golden Stage Inn in Southern Vermont will not be a prize on the show, we do have a surprisingly personal connection to the B&B featured as the Wheel of Fortune prize!

Back in their dating days, Julie and Michael Wood took a vacation to Northern Vermont, living spontaneously and figuring they would find accommodations at the last minute.  This was before they knew how challenging ‘last minute accommodations’  in Vermont  on a foliage weekend would prove to be.  After being sent away from so many inns, hotels and B&Bs in the Northeast Kingdom, they finally came across  Rabbit Hill Inn.  Although this inn was similar to the rest in its lack of open rooms, this was the only similarity.  The innkeepers welcomed in these wary travelers, sat them in front of a fireplace, while they called the local businesses, finding a room for Mike and Julie.   Thus started Mike and Julie’s keen interest in both Rabbit Hill Inn specifically and bed and breakfasts in general.  Every year since that event for the next 15 years, Mike and Julie visited Rabbit Hill Inn at least once per year, including one particularly special occasion … their own wedding.

Their first memorable experience at Rabbit Hill planted the seed of a dream to someday own and run a bed and breakfast themselves.  Today, you’ll find Mike and Julie offering the same welcoming comfort to travelers far and near – even those that do not end up staying at the Golden Stage Inn.  Perhaps in the future the Inn will become a Wheel of Fortune Bed and Breakfast prize, and maybe you’ll be the winner!


Partnering with the game show to create Wheel of Fortune bed and breakfast prizes is VIBBA, or Vermont Inns and Bed & Breakfast Association.  This organization is a fantastic resource for those looking to travel to Vermont and escape to the countryside.  Search for lodging based on location, use the maps to plan a sight-seeing route, or discover VT’s best kept secrets and events.  The innkeepers at Golden Stage are so happy to see one of their favorite Vermont B&Bs make an appearance on national TV.  Vermonters can tune in tonight on channel 5 or channel 31.  Missed the show? Check out this old teaser from an earlier Wheel of Fortune Bed and Breakfast edition!
